5 Tips for Better Video Marketing

Whether or not you’ve been following my video posts on Facebook, you can finally see all 5 tips for better video marketing right here or on my YouTube channel

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In this video I review the first four tips and finally reveal Tip #5 for Better Video Marketing.

Here are all of the links I refer to in the video:





Hope you enjoy watching and happy video making!

#videomarketing #smallbusinessmarketing

Transcript below…

Hi there!

In this video, I’m gonna break down some really simple ways that you can improve the quality of your video marketing. And, if you were following my posts last week, then you’ve already heard my first four tips and you’re ready to hear the all important tip number 5. But don’t worry if you missed my previous posts, because I’m gonna do a quick recap right now and get some new perspective on the first four tips for better video marketing.

Tip Number 1: Be Authentic

Let’s take a look…


So, I highly, highly recommend you put some serious thought into this before you start making any video content for your business.

There are a ton of resources and coaches out there for small business owners.

Because my business is copywriting I took a real deep dive into my vision for my business and branding with The American Writers and Artists Alliance, and if you’re planning to do your own copywriting for your business, I highly recommend checking them out anyway because it’s whole craft to be learned.

Either way, make sure you’re conscious about your message and ready to authentically represent it before you start making videos for your business.

Okay, Tip #2: Grab ‘Em Quick


So, this is when I talked about the hook that you want to start your videos with. And I kind of hate the term “hook” because it feels like I’m fishing or something and I’m trying to impale my viewers with a cleverly disguised sharp metal object that’s going to trap them there. And, really, if you lure your audience into sticking around with something that’s just attention-grabbing or exciting or gimicky but what you end up offering them is, like, a completely different tone, then they’re not gonna respond the way you want them to.

So, I like to think of this much more as a promise. Think about what you’re asking them to stick around for and paint an honest picture for them of how their lives will be better once they’ve watched it. And if you don’t really believe that their lives will be better for having watched your video then turn around and go back to tip #1.

But otherwise, let’s go on to…

Tip # 3: Provide Valuable Information

Let’s check it out…


So, if you want some ideas for coming up with valuable topics for your videos, you can go to my website and read my blog post the secret to great blog post topics, because a video post is basically a blog post on camera and I have a whole bunch of great links in there for resources to come up with valuable topics to share with your audience.

All right, Tip #4: Think About Color

So, I’ll share the link to this website down below, it’s called Color Matters, and they have a whole section on Color and Marketing. You can look up the meaning of colors and what you can expect different color schemes to invoke in your audience.

All right, Tip #4 was the fun one and now you’re ready to move on to Tip #5. But first, I just want to remind you why you probably started watching this video in the first place. If you’re a small business owner, you’re smart enough to already know how important video marketing is to your business growth.

I’m gonna link you to Hubspot down below. They’re not paying me, it’s just a great resource I wanna share.

Their research shows that 54% of customers prefer video to any other kind of content. Video on landing pages increases conversion by over 80% AND if video is in the subject line of your email, your open rate goes up by almost 20%.

And this research is from 2017. So by now, everyone is doing video and not only is it necessary, it’s saturated and you need to do it right in order to get eyeballs on it long enough to be effective for you.

Which leads me to the most important Tip # 5, which is…


Use a video script.


There are several reasons why I think this is so important, and stick with me here, because I know what you might be thinking. #1: It already takes a lot more time to make a video as opposed to a traditional post—you’ve got to think about your background, your outfit, maybe hair and makeup if that’s a thing for you, it is for me, and now you’re gonna sit down and write the whole thing out before you say it? Screw that, right? You know what you’re gonna say. You just want to shoot it. Well, the truth is that scripting your video actually saves you a ton of time on the back end when you’re editing and believe me writing a video script is a lot easier to do than painstakingly editing yourself when you realize you got all rambly and side-tracked, and—


Now, you may also be thinking—hey, she said to “be authentic” how is that synonymous with following a script? Well, the fact is, scripting your video actually helps you to be authentic. Because you can simply be present with your audience, confident in the fact that your message is truthful and well-crafted, and not be in your head thinking, “Ooh, I forgot to start with the promise I need to go back and edit that in, or am I staying on topic, or I wonder how long this is going?” Right?

Most importantly, scripting your video ensures that it has the proper marketing structure. You already know your message is authentic, so you just need to ensure that it gets heard.

There’s an intricate formula that has been proven to grab and hold your audience’s attention. You need to weave the emotional connection you’re making with factual information about the offer you’re making, research that establishes your authority, and of course that call to action that is the whole reason for your video in the first place.

If that’s not woven together well from the script stage, believe me you’re gonna spend hours and hours trying to piece it together after you shoot. And this is just as important whether it’s a quick 30-60 second spot, or a five or ten of 45 minute video. It sounds complicated, but I’m going to let you know about a really easy way to get great video scripts.

Now once you script your video, you want to do a table read of your script. Read it out loud and see where you’re tripping over lines, where it doesn’t seem to flow. And then you can rewrite accordingly to make sure that your really using your most authentic voice.

Now if you’ve watched this far, I know you’re serious about promoting what you do in the best and most authentic way possible, AND you’re probably one of two types of people. Either you know how important all of these elements of video marketing are and you’re a little overwhelmed right now and that’s okay. Or, you’re a total workaholic and you’re gonna jump right into a deep dive now and learn how to write your own video scripts. If you’re the workaholic type, more power to you, there are a ton of online courses you can take and rabbit holes you can jump down to become a great video scriptwriter. But if you want to spend less time learning new skills and more time doing that thing that you love to do with the clients you want to do it with, I highly recommend that you hire the services of a video script copywriter. And I’m going to tell you how to do that affordably for a fraction of the price that most businesses pay.

I have this all laid out on my website, so if you want to review the details later you can go to lizwrite.com/services. LizWrite Copy is my business, I’m a copywriter with over fifteen years experience in marketing and I also have my MFA in Screenwriting from the University of Southern California. I’ve worked with companies like Warner Brothers Television, Amblin TV and Fox TV Studios. So, you would think I charge a lot, but here’s the breakdown…

 Most businesses will hire a production company to create their video spots and depending on the production budget, they will charge between one and five thousand dollars per script page to create, shoot, and edit your video. Now, one page of script usually equals about 1 minute of video, so this video being on the lower production budget range, would costs somewhere around six thousand dollars to make. The production company will hire a scriptwriter like me to create the script and that person will get anywhere from 15-25% of the production budget.

So, for the script I wrote for this video, a writer could have made 900-1500 dollars for a six page script. But, I’m a small business owner myself, and I know that is out of my price budget, and because I love writing scripts and I love small business owners, I’m offering my writing services to you for only $75 per page. That is half the price of the lowest end price that a production company will charge you for a script. And I specifically create my scripts to make it really easy for my clients to shoot and edit themselves. In the age of smart phones, you don’t need to pay to get quality video marketing so long as your message is clear and well crafted and authentically delivered.

I’d love the chance to talk to you more about what you’re hoping to get out of your video marketing and how I might be able to help streamline the process for you.

You can leave a comment down below or click the Contact Me button on my website: www.lizwrite.com. I hope I’ve helped improve your videos either way with all five tips, if I did, please like and subscribe, and I look forward to offering you more tools right here on this feed or on my website’s blog page.

Thank you for watching and keep sharing your voice!


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